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Hello There! 

Welcome to a resilient lifestyle! 


Hello, my name is Ritwik and I am a resilience coach. I help people develop the skills and mindset to cope with stress, overcome challenges, and thrive in life.


I have a background in psychology and human resources, which gives me a unique perspective on how to foster resilience and wellbeing in individuals and organizations. I have a bachelor's degree in psychology with a specialization in organizational behavior, and I have completed two certifications in resilience building and life coaching from reputable institutions.

I have been working as a resilience coach for three years and carry seven years of experience as an HR professional. I have coached clients from various backgrounds, industries, and situations, helping them achieve their personal and professional goals, grow from adversity, and enhance their happiness.


I am passionate about resilience because I believe it is the key to living a fulfilling and meaningful life. I also know from personal experience how resilience can help you overcome difficult circumstances and bounce back stronger than before.


I would love to work with you and help you discover your inner strength, potential, and purpose. If you are interested in learning more about resilience coaching and how it can benefit you, please contact us.


I look forward to hearing from you soon!



Resilience and Responsibility

Resilience and responsibility are important elements in my coaching philosophy because they help individuals and teams to adapt to difficult situations.

Resilience coaching is a process that helps individuals develop the ability to cope with stress and adversity.  It is a process that teaches people how to evaluate the challenges in front of them and problem-solve with a focused mind and plenty of mental agility. It also focuses on our mindsets. Here are some benefits of resilience training in the workplace:

  • Employee emotional well-being and self-efficacy are strengthened and protected.

  • Change can happen more smoothly and effectively because employees aren’t reacting out of fear.

  • Teams can set SMART goals because they know what’s realistic for growth opportunities.

  • Vulnerability is embraced, rather than seen as a weakness.

  • Teams are more productive and focused on their work.

Responsibility helps individuals to take ownership of their actions and decisions. It helps them to be accountable for their work and to take pride in what they do. When individuals take responsibility for their actions, they are more likely to be successful in their life.



Pragmatism is a philosophical perspective that emphasizes the practical application and consequences of ideas and actions. It is a useful approach for life coaching a corporate youth who face complex and uncertain situations in their work and personal lives. Pragmatism can help them to develop their problem-solving and decision-making skills by teaching them how to:


  • Focus on practical solutions that address the specific needs and challenges of the situation, rather than getting distracted by abstract theories or ideologies.

  • Consider the consequences of different options and choose the one that is most likely to produce favorable outcomes.

  • Be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances and new information, and be willing to adjust their strategies or change course if necessary.

  • Test their ideas empirically by experimenting, learning from experience, and seeking feedback from real-world observations.

  • Engage in pragmatic dialogue with others who have different perspectives and expertise, and explore various viewpoints, ideas, and common ground.

  • Balance idealism and realism by acknowledging the importance of ideals and principles, but also recognizing the practical constraints and trade-offs that often need to be made in real-world situations.

By applying pragmatism as a thinking tool, corporate youth can approach problems and decisions with a practical and outcome-oriented mindset. It can help them navigate complexity, make informed choices, and take action based on the best available information and analysis of consequences.

Our Services


Personal responsibility is the first step towards inner Freedom.

It helps you be free from the assumption that you are a helpless spectator, and let you be a powerful creator.

- Ritwik Awasthi


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Contact Us


House no. 767, Block- A, 

Sarita Vihar, Delhi,

India- 110076


+91 966 7200 492

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri

8:00 am – 11:00 am


11:00 am – 7:00 pm


11:00 am – 4:00 pm

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